Summary of National Standards for Military Civil Reliability Environmental Test for Rain Test Chamber

Summary of National Standards for Military/Civil Reliability Environmental Testing of Rain Test Chambers:

GJB 150.8-86 "Environmental test method for military equipment, rain test"

GB/T2423.38-2005 "Electrical and electronic products - Environmental testing - Part 2: Test method test R: Water test methods and guidelines"

GB/T4208-93 "Shell protection grade (IP mark)"

IEC 529-1989 "Shell protection class (IP mark)"

RTCA/DO-160E "Environmental Conditions and Test Methods for Airborne Equipment"

The rain test chamber is suitable for external lighting and signaling devices and automotive lamp enclosure protection, and can provide various environments for realistic simulation of electronic products and their components that may be subjected to water spray and spray tests during transportation and use.

淋雨试验箱军用 民用可靠性环境试验国家标准总结

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